Covid Data CZ

Basic information

Covid Data CZ is a simple Android app I made to show various Covid stats. It includes a lot of information ranging from daily infected, people in hospitals to the current R number, infected per 100,000 citizens and much more.
All the data is taken directly from the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic (apart from the R number, which has to be calculated from the provided data) through its official API.

Installation notes

This app can not be on Google Play (or any other major app store) because I would have to get the Minister of Health to agree with it being published. I tried it already - he didn't agree and like 2 days later the API was changed in a way that broke the app :D
Due to this, you will have to install it through an installer. It is not complicated though, don't worry. All you have to do is choose the version from below (I recommend getting the latest release), click the appropriate download method and the installer will be downloaded.
After downloading the installer, you will have to run it (no extra setup required, just tap the file). You will need to have installing from unknown sources enabled in your settings (as this is not an app from Google Play). Then Google will probably try to stop you from installing the app with more pop-ups. Always click "Install anyway" or something like that (clicking "Ok" when there is an option "Install anyway" will cancel the installation). If they ask you to send the app for review, don't do it (I don't think it would cause any harm but since it isn't allowed on the Play Store, I can not be sure).
Once you've installed the app, you can run it as any other one by clicking the icon (it should be a kind of CoVid with the Czech flag in the middle on a white background, you can view it here).

Privacy Policy

The application does not store or send any personal data. No information leaves the user's device. The only data exchange happens when the API is fetched, and there is no personal data sent to the servers of the Ministry of Health (excluding information that is crucial for establishing a secure connection via the HTTPS protocol).


Version 2.x.x (current major release)

Version 2.0.0 (latest release)

Changes: Download:

Version 1.x.x (deprecated)

The versions 1.x.x are deprecated as they are using the old API, which has been discontinued. Download the latest version to have a working app.

Version 1.1.2

Changes: Download:

Version 1.1.1

Changes: Download: